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- These events allow members to meet at a local destination to socialise, in previous years members have enjoyed BBQs on the beach and having dinner at a local restaurant.
- In response to survey feedback this season we are trailing a greater number of cruises, offering a range of medium-distance cruises to allow members to stretch their sea-legs and explore a variety of destinations.
- We are also partnering with our friends at Colne YC who have kindly agreed that OYC members may join their cruise across to Oostende.
- Once again we would like to encourage members to sail in company to the destination. Suggested departure times from the club will be advertised closer to the time.
- Naturally members are still welcome to set their own departure time and make their own way to the destination and meet up with members there.
- For the longer cruises we’re aiming to co-ordinate the passage there and back but will leave members to decide what they want to do once there.
- We’ll be holding some passage planning evenings at the club specifically for the longer cruises where interested crews can work together to come up with a suitable passage plan. Individual yachts can then tailor this to their own requirements.
- This season we would like to organise activities at the destination such as walks and visits to local places of interest, as arrival and departure times allow. Please share any ideas with the Sailing Secretary (Paul Belton).
- The majority of these cruises have named destinations, as our sport is dependent on the weather if it looks like the weather forecast will make getting to, from or staying at the intended destination hazardous or uncomfortable then the decision will be taken to amend the plan closer to the time. Every attempt will be made to choose a closer destination or one which lies in a different direction however the decision to attend ultimately lays with each skipper.
- To help us gauge interest in these cruises, give destinations an idea of expected numbers and receive the latest updates about them we have created a WhatsApp group for each cruise. If you would like to join any of these please send your mobile number to either Teresa Thorogood, Mike Fry or the Sailing Secretary (Paul Belton), stating which cruise you are interested in.
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- This annual race is held to raise money for the Andrew Simpson Foundation.
- Both yachts and dinghies race together, sharing the same start and course.
- Dinghies race under the Portsmouth Yardstick handicap system whilst yachts race under the RYA Yacht Time Correction (YTC) rating system.
- Open to all classes of yachts.
- The starting sequence will be 5, 4, 1, start.
- Courses will either be chosen from the list of OYC Courses (below and printed in the handbook) or set by the OOD on the day.
- All yachts will take part in a single mixed class fleet which will be handicapped using the national RYA-recognised handicapping scheme. Please apply for your handicap in good time as it can take a couple of weeks to arrive.
- The Low Points Scoring System will be used.
- Please familiarise yourself with the Sailing Instructions printed in the handbook.
- To help us gauge interest in these races please email the Sailing Secretary (Paul Belton).
- Line A, Downham(S), No 9(S), Downham(S), Line A
- Line A, No 1(S), Line A
- Line A, No 4(P), Line A
- Line A, No 5(S), Line A
- Line A, Collimer(P), Line A
- A Course described on the OYC Course Board
- Line A, Channel course to No 1(P), Guard(S), Cliff Foot(P), Landguard(P), Outer Ridge(P), Woodbridge Haven(S), Outer Ridge(S), Landguard(S), Cliff Foot(S), Guard(P), No 1(S), Channel Course to Line A
OYC Members also have the opportunity to compete in a number of racing events for yachts organised by local clubs, for further information please click on the link below:
No Events
The OYC benefits from organising it’s own programme of launching and recovering yachts. A volunteer team consisting of tractor drivers, carrier operators and team leaders co-ordinated by the Bankmaster are responsible for the safe and efficient provision of this excellent service. A local boatyard is engaged to provide a professional mast removal and stepping service to interested members at either end of the season. Please keep an eye on your emails to see when to book this.