Junior Training and Events

Contact Details & Consent form

* Required Field

Participant’s details

Full Name *
Address *
Post Code *

Parent/guardian/person with legal responsibility (for those under 18yrs)

Full Name *
Relationship to child *
Email Address
Contact Number *

I would like my mobile number to be added to the Juniors WhatsApp Group


Medical information

It is your responsibility to make known any medical conditions that may affect your child during the activity, and for you to administer any medications that they may require.


Medical Condition Details:

Is your child currently suffering/recovering from any injuries which may affect their sailing?


Medical Condition Details:

Does your child require any additional support or adjustments to enable them to participate in practical or theory sessions?


Medical Condition Details:


I confirm that I have read the OYC Code of Conduct and the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies , available to view on the Club website, and that I fully understand them . I have explained them to my child, who understands and agrees to abide by them.

I Agree

Consent for use of images

I grant to the organisers without payment the right in perpetuity to take still pictures or video of or relating to any of the Junior Training and Event(s) or publishing such images. No identifying information other than names will be included


Stay on site

I understand that at least one parent/guardian must stay on site at the OYC for the duration of any Junior Training or Event(s) . Alternatively I will notify the Senior Instructor (or the designated person in charge) , before the Junior training or event starts, if a “loco parentis” has been arranged.

I Agree

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