Subscribing to the OYC diary

You can have all the events at the OYC added to your calendar on your phone, laptop etc You will need to find how to do this for your application or device. 

The OYC diary link is read-only, so you cannot change or add events.

You may be able to subscribe to the calendar by just by tapping the link link:

Otherwise, try the instructions below:


  1. Go to Settings  > Passwords & Accounts > Add Account > Other.
  2. Tap Add Subscribed Calendar.
  3. Enter the URL of the .ics file to subscribe to and any other required server information.


  1. Goto File > Account Settings
  2. Select ‘Internet Calendars’
  3. Click ‘New’
  4. Copy the calendar link above into the Location text box & click add
  5. You can change the Folder Name to from events to ‘OYC’
  6. Click OK and after a few minutes your new Calendar should be created