OYC Membership Renewal due 1st January 2024

* required field

First Name *
Surname *

Membership Type

Parent / Guardian Details

Name *
Land Line

Email *
Land Line

Address *
Post Code *


Partner Details

First Name *
Surname *

Children Under 18 years Included in Family Membership

First Name * Surname Name * D.O.B *

Number of Vehicles

Craft Registration and Facilities

Craft Registration per Annum

Price Quantity Cost
Yacht(s)/Motorboat(s) Registration fee per craft
Sailing Dinghy(s) Registration fee per craft
Tenders / Kayaks (In Racks) Registration fee per craft

Price Quantity Cost

Annual Mooring Fees

Price Quantity Cost
Own tackle – (On any allocated position within Club controlled mooring areas. [The beach forms part of the Clubs controlled mooring areas]).
Club Maintained – Causeway Post
Club Maintained – Drying Pontoon
Club Maintained – Trot Mooring (Trot Nr. bridge)
Club Maintained – Fore & Aft Mooring (new trots)
Club Maintained – Creek Post Mooring
Club Maintained – Swinging Mooring

Price Quantity Cost
Part Mooring Fee-(NB applicable If over wintering on Winter Moorings listed below or on the beach and not paying for an Annual Mooring Fee above

Moorings Winter Lay Up 31st October 2023 to 31st March 2024

Price Quantity Cost
Creek posts
Waiting pontoon
Drying Pontoon
Causeway Post winter

Request Causeway Winter Layup 2024-25 YES NO

Application for Causeway Lay Up Winter 2024/25

Price Quantity Cost
Members at December 2018 (refer to policy Application for Lay-Up part 2)
Members after December 2018 Apply for Lay Up (refer to policy Application for Lay-Up part 3)
Causeway Laying-up
Use of Carrier & or Tractor
Summer Storage on Causeway 1st May to 31st September 2023 (refer to policy General Conditions part 2)

Electricity Usage

(24/7 connection is permitted subject to a max continuous load of 1 amp or 240 Watts)

Extra Payments

Add a Donation  £

Other Payment

Reason  £



I hereby authorise the Orwell Yacht Club, its Trustees, Officers, Management Committee, Servants and Agents to hold and process my personal data, in line with the club’s data protection policy for the purpose of maintaining my membership of the Club and I confirm I have, and will keep in force Third Party Liability Insurance including cover for wreck removal and meeting the requirements of ABP (Port of Ipswich) Mooring Licences for all of the above mentioned vessel(s).

I confirm that I have read the Constitution & Rules of Orwell Yacht Cub and agree to abide by them
Under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 you are required to give your permission for the recording of the above information on the Orwell Yacht Club electronic database. The information will be kept securely, with access allowed only to Officers of the Club and then only for Club use. When no longer required the information will be removed.

I Agree

I hereby acknowledge that I have read the OYC Code of Conduct and the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies, available to view on the Club website, and that I fully understand them.

I Agree

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